Sometimes the camera Gods shine on you

I AM fully aware of what a beautiful part of the world we are blessed to call home.
But, recently, the counties of Dorset and Somerset have been made to look even more so, with the aid of mother nature, and an array of stunning sunrise and sunsets.
I’ve said many times before that if an opportunity confronts you, don’t think about it, grab your camera with both hands and start pressing that shutter. Or, before you know it, the moment will have passed you by.

I awoke one morning, pulled back the curtains and, though still dark, I could see a beautiful red hue reflected off the clouds.
It was obviously going to be a beautiful sunrise and I had about 20 minutes to make my wife a cup of tea, get dressed and get out of the house.
My only decision was where to view it.

I decided on Ham Hill, about a ten-minute drive from my home, but when I got there I realised my error. Ham Hill, although perfect for sunsets, is not so great for photographing a sunrise.
So with a face like thunder I jumped back into my car and headed for work via Odcombe.
It was then the clouds parted and the Gods shone down on me, for out of the driver’s window I could see the sun breaking through the trees, arcing across the fields and bathing the local sheep in all hues of red, orange and yellow.
In my haste as I pulled over omitting to notice a large ditch and as I alighted  I nearly fell in it.
Ten minutes later and I had my pictures in the can – and all taken within six feet of where i took the first one.


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