Colour, music and a thousand lightbulbs

Chard Dance School
Crowds line the streets of Ilminster
Saturday evenings in Somerset can mean only one thing, carnival time. The culmination of a years hard graft, ingenuity and pure enthusiasm for hundreds of regular guys and girls culminates in the season of song and dance which takes to the streets of villages and towns across the cider county.
Majorettes lead the carnival procession
Huge motorised floats, adorned with a thousand coloured stars wind their way through our towns crammed with dentists, garage mechanics, nurses and children. Who for one night feel the urge to sing and dance entertaining their adoring faithful public who line the streets hugging their families for warmth.
Those that can't ride on floats - which cost thousands of pounds - walk, but dressed elaborately as fairies, kings, characters from the favourite books, troops of majorettes twirl and dance as the crowds applaud and laugh.

Gemini CC

A Spanish Sinorita

Husband and wife from Shaftesbury

A couple of fabulous young ballonists
It is a truly wonderful and inspiring sight. But why these strange carnival people put themselves through months of practice, giving up all there spare time to learn dances and songs, sew costumes and build magnificent floats from scratch is beyond me. But my camera and I wouldn't miss it for the world


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